Our Vision
SIDROCO brings a whole range of New Generation Internet of Things (NG-IoT) features and capabilities, for creating, supporting, and managing ultra innovative products and services, by providing efficient, effective, and secure NG-IoT solutions for various heterogeneous environments, including Critical Infrastructures like energy, healthcare, and autonomous driving.
SIDROCO is a creative SME focusing on Research, Development and Inspiration. SIDROCO designs, develops and implements novel and innovative products, frameworks and tools. Together with these innovative solutions, SIDROCO also supports techno-economic analysis, business models and advanced market analysis using brand reputation tools.
- SPEAR H2020 ProjectJuly 4, 2017SPEAR H2020 Project
Secure and PrivatE smArt gRid
- SDN-microSENSE H2020 ProjectAugust 2, 2017SDN-microSENSE H2020 Project
SDN - microgrid reSilient Electrical eNergy SystEm
- CARAMEL H2020 ProjectAugust 2, 2017CARAMEL H2020 Project
Artificial Intelligence-based Cybersecurity for Connected and Automated Vehicles
- CyberSANE H2020 ProjectAugust 2, 2017CyberSANE H2020 Project
A Cybersecurity Incident Handling, Warning and Response System for the European Critical Infrastructures
- RESPOND-A H2020 ProjectMay 29, 2020RESPOND-A H2020 Project
Next-generation equipment tools and mission-critical strategies for First Responders
- TERMINET H2020 ProjectAugust 19, 2020TERMINET H2020 Project
nexT gEneRation sMart INterconnectEd ioT
- EVIDENT H2020 ProjectAugust 20, 2020EVIDENT H2020 Project
bEhaVioral Insgihts anD Effective eNergy policy acTions
- SmartROOT KA2 ProjectFebruary 15, 2021SmartROOT KA2 Project
Smart faRming innOvatiOn Training
- Smart5Grid H2020 ProjectFebruary 24, 2021Smart5Grid H2020 Project
Demonstration of 5G solutions for SMART energy GRIDs of the future
- INCIDENCE KA2 ProjectApril 29, 2021INCIDENCE KA2 Project
promotINg Cyber-hygIene in eDucation through sEcuring distaNCe lEarning
- ELECTRON H2020 ProjectApril 29, 2021ELECTRON H2020 Project
rEsilient and seLf-healed EleCTRical pOwer Nanogrid
- IRIS H2020 ProjectApril 29, 2021IRIS H2020 Project
artificial Intelligence threat Reporting and Incident response System
- PestNu H2020 ProjectNovember 1, 2021PestNu H2020 Project
Field-testing and demonstration of digital and space based technologies with agro-ecological and organic practices in systemic innovation
- TALON HE ProjectJune 27, 2023TALON HE Project
Autonomous and Self-organized Artificial Intelligent Orchestrator for a Greener Industry 4.0
- NANCY HE ProjectJune 27, 2023NANCY HE Project
An Artificial Intelligent Aided Unified Network for Secure Beyond 5G Long Term Evolution