RESPOND-A First Training program and registration

RESPOND-A will organize its first training session on the 10th and 11th of December 2020, based on the “Use-case 3: Port of Valencia”.

The current restrictions of the different participant countries due to COVID-19 made it impossible to organize a face-to-face event. That it way it was decided to prepare a training session in an online environment by taking advantage of new technologies.

The training session will focus on the study case of Valencia Port, where two separate incidents occur: an oil spill and a crash between two trucks producing a fire. In this sense, the different technical partners provide technological solutions to address both situations while First Responders are going to handle the situation in a virtual environment by following a discussion-based decision-making process.
The first day will be dedicated to the “User story 2: Crash of two trucks” and the second day will focus on the “User story 1: Oil spill”; both days will run tools presentations, training exercises and questionnaires, and open discussions.

If you are interested, please contact Guillem Canaleta (Pau Costa Foundation):

The program for both days is available below.